Blog — green gift
Dayana Nikolova
7 Surprisingly Amazing Environmental Benefits Of E-books
Books are unarguably vital to people. Unfortunately, it causes great harm to the environment. In this age and time, we can go on a limb here and say pretty much every human has come in contact with books in their lifetime. While many of us may not consider the harm brought to the environment by books, it doesn’t change the fact that paper books cause great harm to the environment. For instance, it takes 24 trees to make one tonne of paper. Meaning the more books produced the more trees are cut down, which is really bad for the environment....
Antoaneta Tsocheva
How to live an eco-friendly lifestyle?
Hello everyone and welcome to 2020. Our topic this time around is something to have with you this new year as you continue with your eco-friendly lifestyle. Are you looking for some motivation this year on how to live an eco-friendly lifestyle? Do you want to become more eco-friendly in 2020? Whatever your reasons are, we can help. Following an eco-friendly lifestyle means cutting off some easy luxuries. You might need to change a lot if you are just beginning, but one thing is sure, you will be doing a noble task. Tips for an eco-friendly lifestyle Reduce your consumption Only...
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