Blog — green living

CO2 And The Need To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

CO2 and the need to Reduce your Carbon Footprint

Hello and welcome back to Eco Bravo's blog. Today we are going to talk about how a reduction in your carbon footprint can reduce CO2 levels. The term carbon footprint refers to the sum of greenhouse gases released, which are primarily made up of carbon dioxide or CO2 into the environment due to human activity. This number is used to approximately measure the effects which a person, organization, family, or a state has on the environment. This metric is typically expressed in tonnes each year.  Reasons You Should Be Concerned About Your Carbon Footprint To be able to understand just...

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5 Reasons Eco-Friendly Living is Important

5 Reasons Eco-Friendly Living is Important

Welcome back to our blog! Have you ever heard of eco-friendly living? Unless you have been living in a cave, you must have heard or read about going green. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about eco-friendly living? Saving the planet? Cutting back on natural resources depletion? Preserving mother Earth for future generations? Great! You get the gist already. Let’s take a look at why you need to join the “Go Green” trend today. Eco-friendly living is a rather popular term today. Everyone is going green in one way or the other. From...

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the battle against plastic pollution with David Attenborough

At the forefront of the battle against plastic pollution with David Attenborough

The dangers of plastic pollution and how to deal with them Our current situation with plastics isn't new. It's been going on for quite a ...

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