Blog — eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle
Dayana Nikolova
How Can We Sustain Our Environment?
The truth must be said; man has not been a great custodian of the earth in the past years. If we are going to protect the environment and preserve the planet for future generations, we need to start taking some steps towards better living habits. At Eco Bravo, we have taken it upon ourselves to help spread the word as to how we can make this planet and our environment a better place to live in. Did you know that most of the damage done to the environment stems from our rate of consumption? Literally, how we consume, what we...
Dayana Nikolova
Healthy Green Tips For A Cleaner Environment
Many items we use in homes have negative side effects even when we have no idea, and despite this, we find it difficult to run our daily activities without using these items. However, these items, whether in the long run or short term, pose a danger to our wellness. Fortunately, you can now save yourself some money while at the same time you conserve your environment as well by adopting green tips to clean your environment. Adopting these few changes will help in reducing the carbon footprint in your home. Hello readers, we are glad to welcome you to today's...
Dayana Nikolova
Eco-Friendly Lifestyles that Can Save the Earth
The way we live our lives every day has the ability to impact the environment hugely. If we lead healthy lifestyles, we can impact the environment positively. Also, if we lead unhealthy lifestyles, we can impact the environment negatively. However, we should be grateful and heave a sigh of relief that there are some eco-friendly lifestyles we can adopt and implement that would help us impact our environment positively. But before we continue, we should discuss the main thing first; What Exactly is an Eco-friendly Lifestyle? An eco-friendly lifestyle is one that describes the process of living your life and...
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